FamilySearch Center
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Discussion List
centre link to their Wiki page is not showingThe centre link to their Wiki page is not showing in find a centre's new layout Is it going to be a…
Records only availble in FamilySearch Centers -- can we see a list of them?It would be very helpful, if a FamilySearch Center could access a list of the records that can only…
Will Indexing Reports be updated to include Name Review?I am a stake indexing director. Indexing Reports have not been updated in a long time. I am hoping …
Does this FSC Affiliate Exist?See attached image. Is there really an Affiliate location in this NY town? Or, has the name and ad…
Director positionWho oversees the FamilySearch center now that there are no directors? Will that 'Director' position…
Leader and Clerk ResourcesWhat am I suppose to be able to see under Leader and Clerk Resources when I am logged in? I am a St…
Access to restricted recordsI have been unable to reach the FS centers in my area. I would like to access item 1 from 81622199 …
Please Make Sure new FamilySearch Center Workers and Volunteer page "Learning Videos" Are Up-To-DateI love the new FamilySearch Workers and Volunteers Learning Resources page. I especially like the …
Rynarzewo, Poland records only available on microfilm - how to access them?Our LDS center is not equipped to view microfilm/ microfiche - can we contact someone in Salt Lake …
How Do I edit the information listed on the "Help Center" information page??Upon looking at the "Help Center" information page I find there are a couple of errors al…Answered Closed edwardmichaeldraper II 35 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by edwardmichaeldraper II
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