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2The Follow buttonI try to remember to click the follow star button when I add anything to a person but don't always …
1"Following" list suggestion to improve search results.I am asking that FamilySearch adds a "reciently added" filter to the "Following"…
1Excel Export of Irish GRO RecordsIn the recent past when I exported GRO records for Irish districts the birth year and or date was p…
1MY "Local" SEVER for the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, has been PROBLEMATIC for last few WeeksFamilySearch Community.FamilySearch Forum Administration Attention: @Mark McLemore Subject: MY &quo…
Recuperar la cuenta de mi papá que fallecióMi padre falleció el 23 de junio de este año, él trabajo mucho en su historia familiar y por lo tan…
1Ordinance completed change to enable identifying which ones I have reviewedWhen I get notification of ordinances which have been completed, I like to back in and review the n…new Closed Dale Kenneth McElmurry 131 views 0 comments 1 point Most recent by Dale Kenneth McElmurry
2New Discovery PageI think that the New Discovery Page is worthless. The programers could use their time and talents …
1New Search AbilityWhat would be nice to be able to do with my family tree is to search by birthplace location within …
1US Military Service NumberI think it'd be useful to index the service number as well as the already requested information. T…
1Indexing Two Names on One LineHow would one index two names on one line? For example, my batch said something like "John + J…
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