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town names are mis-spelled, non existantWhat is the proper thing to do when indexing: town names are out of date, or misspeled. Do we inst…
when indexing vessel master oaths, should we index oath of officer of company forms?when indexing vessel master oaths, should we index oath of officer of company forms?
US, Oregon—Alien Registration Forms, 1942–1946 [Part C] [MQ6R-CGL]. I am reviewingthis batch. Please check the spouse's GN and SN. I am uncertain about Chinese names. https://www.fa…
✨ IMPORTANT UPDATE - 1950 CENSUS ✨Over the last few weeks, we’ve been reviewing your input about the experience and the work that has…
I receive a batch with a wrong attributionIt's marked as a "marriage" and the record is about "dead". https://www.familys…
Do we index the oath of allegiance when the petitioner has been denied and their name crossed out?US, Oregon—Naturalization Records, 1859–1956 [MQ6T-VCS]Answered ✓ Closed Benjamin Rulon Andrew 51 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Benjamin Rulon Andrew
Malicious IndexerPerú, Amazonas—Registros de matrimonio de la Iglesia, 1790–2019[MQCD-ZZJ] Four images; Two records …
US, Oregon—Alien Registration Forms, 1942–1946 [Part C] [MQ6R-Z9Q].Please check the GN and SN. On image 2, #3, it has James entering the US under a variant of the lis…
US, Oregon—Alien Registration Forms, 1942–1946 [Part C] [MQ6R-Z9Q] I am assumingthe indexer knew the correct spelling of the place of birth and thus changed it. However, I don't t…
US, Oregon—Alien Registration Forms, 1942–1946 [Part C] [MQ6R-4ZS]This is my first batch in this project. Did I do it correctly? and is there any way when indexing t…
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