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US, Michigan—Naturalization Records, 1818–1977 [MQCN-VYP]On these Naturalization forms Is A "Petition For Naturalization" the same thing as "…
US, Michigan—Naturalization Records, 1818–1977 I am reviewing and the indexersare "indexing" or identifying the record even though it is under. Index only the topmost …
Michigan--Naturalization Records, 1818–1977 reviewing...I believe these should all be marked as Other Naturalization Documents. Is this correct? https://w…
I cannot get a new batchThis discussion was created from comments split from: Integrate Find a Project with "Find a Pr…
US, Michigan—Naturalization Records, 1818–1977 [MQCN-N4F]Does this batch qualify under the rule: "Do not index correspondence or other legal documents?…
Can I use the term tailor to indicate MALE?NY Naturalization Records. The Indexer had marked the Petition for Naturalization as a duplicate of…
US, Michigan-Naturalization Records, 1818-1977 [MQCN-DMS]I am a reviewer and I just want to make sure I am reviewing this project correctly. I am finding s…Answered ✓ Closed KillpackShaunaJean1 51 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by KillpackShaunaJean1
Hi I am trying to figure out how to write out the names of people when indexing.There are 2 names as they changed their names one is Rand the other is Randa would I write it (Rand…
For the Gibraltar—Civil Records, 1848–1990, I'm not sure if the month or day is written first?On one of the birth record notecards from the Gibraltar—Civil Records, 1848–1990, the birth day say…
Which spouse to indexThe batch I'm working on lists 2 spouses, 1 deceased and the other who was left a widow on the deat…Answered ✓ Closed Karen Barbara Stribling 71 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Karen Barbara Stribling
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