FamilySearch Account
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Discussion List
I need to update my personal account detailsThis discussion was created from comments split from: How do I update my personal ordinance informa…
Account help neededThis discussion was created from comments split from: Finding Help at FamilySearch—A Simplified Men…
why is this happened? how to permanently modify my contributor name here?Every time I modify or add any pieces of information regarding my tree. Always appear the name of &…
Account help neededThis discussion was created from comments split from: Finding Help at FamilySearch—A Simplified Men…
Language preference9 april 2022 With the latest update it is not possible for me to permanently change the language pr…
It keeps saying "account not authorized" and keeps sending me here to authorize?It keeps saying I need to authorize and activate my account here? I do not understand how I do that…
Reset Password by Church Membership Number seems to have disappeared.Does anyone know why this is no longer an option? It worked so well for the youth, and when they c…
Can you activate my account, please?This discussion was created from comments split from: I would like to activate my account for Famil…
Estate Planning:give account access while I am the primary user?Is it possible to give another person access to my account while I am the primary user? I am doing …
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