Family Tree
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Discussion List
Monday, March 16. I am having troubles attaching and detaching records. I've done it before manyMonday, March 16. I am having troubles attaching and detaching records. I've done it before many…Answered ✓ Closed flutter8y1.5240296936802458E12 141 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Brett .
I woould like to know how to change an incorrect I.D. number to the correct one. This error occurredI woould like to know how to change an incorrect I.D. number to the correct one. This error occurre…
How to move child move child from the wrong parents to the correct parents?How to move child move child from the wrong parents to the correct parents?Answered ✓ Closed tireursj1.5542168210220122E12 278 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by tireursj1.5542168210220122E12
I accidentally attached someone as a relative and I have no idea how to remove them, Can anyone helI accidentally attached someone as a relative and I have no idea how to remove them, Can anyone he…
I have inadvertently added some incorrect sources to my tree. How do I delete them?I have inadvertently added some incorrect sources to my tree. How do I delete them?
How do I get the cemetery that my parents are buried in to be accepted as a standardized place in thHow do I get the cemetery that my parents are buried in to be accepted as a standardized place in t…Answered ✓ Closed User15842200983634933453 580 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Gordon Collett
Hijacked ancestor records due to bad mergingHijacked ancestor records due to bad mergingI have a problem with one of my records being 'hijacked…Answered ✓ Closed User15841161652973809659 584 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by User15841161652973809659
What happens when a living person is in multiple family trees of extended family members and then thWhat happens when a living person is in multiple family trees of extended family members and then t…
Where can I go for information on Family Search update errors and or reports of problems occurring wWhere can I go for information on Family Search update errors and or reports of problems occurring …
how to burn tree to diskhow to burn tree to diskAnswered ✓ Closed WORLOCK671.5540196426433828E12 181 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dennis J Yancey
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