Have FamilySearch marriage records always been indexed in the name of the husband?

Paul said: Every source for a woman's marriage I have just looked at reads something like, "Hannah Wrightson in entry for Robert Gibson..."
Has this always been the case, i.e. record indexed in husband's name, as I thought in the past I had added sources in the format, "Hannah Wrightson Marriage"?
I am probably mistaken, as I can't find anything like that now - except if they are Marriage Registration records.
Has this always been the case, i.e. record indexed in husband's name, as I thought in the past I had added sources in the format, "Hannah Wrightson Marriage"?
I am probably mistaken, as I can't find anything like that now - except if they are Marriage Registration records.
Paul said: Answering my own question, I have just found a source (I added) that is in the bride's name. Are there any specific circumstances why this should be the case, when usually it is not?
Surely this should be the preferred format, otherwise her status appears no more important than if she were, say, another person (e.g. parent) shown in the record.1 -
Gordon Collett said: No, you are not going crazy. This is a relatively recent change that I first noticed a couple of months ago. Before then, the two sources for an indexed marriage record would be:
Lars Torkelsen, "Norway Marriages, 1660-1926"
Anna Marte Hansdr, "Norway Marriages, 1660-1926"
Now they are:
Lars Torkelsen, "Norway Marriages, 1660-1926"
Anna Marte Hansdr in entry for Lars Torkelsen, "Norway Marriages, 1660-1926"
I am guessing it has something to do with trying to get the source linker to put the source as a relationship source instead of just on each individual. Things changed frequently from the source not being added to both sources to being added to none being added to just one of the sources being added.
I don't particularly care for the change for two reasons:
1) The wife is the primary person in the source just as much as the husband is.
2) Now, there is no way to tell looking at the source title whether this source is for her marriage or for her son's marriage. That is, whether she is the primary person in the source or a secondary person as she is in this source:
Anna Marta Hansdr in entry for Anna Kristina, "Norway Baptisms, 1634-1927"1 -
Paul said: Thank you for this response, Gordon. Exactly my feelings.
Just now I even detached the "..in entry for" source and attached from the search page, where she was the primary person. No difference, of course. Seems very bad to relegate the woman to the position of just another person named in the record. Also, as you say, allows for ambiguity as to her role in the event.0 -
Adrian Bruce said: Let's face it, a source title of
Anna Marte Hansdr, "Norway Marriages, 1660-1926"
is pretty garbage anyway.
If I really feel energetic, I edit the source title to make it (I contend) much clearer - usually I'll add in the type of event (perhaps not always necessary), year and place. Surely those can be filleted out of the Historical Record Index data items easily enough and inserted into the generated title?
As it is, I have this feeling that the designers have just said, "You can open up the source details or access the URL, what more do you want?" Whereas I really don't want to do anything other than just eyeball the list to get a basic understanding - then, if necessary, dive into detail.0
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