Family Tree
Ask about the worldwide, community family tree.
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I have been unable to complete an upload of a gedcom file (31.6 MB) for 4 days. I get 1/2 way thereI have been unable to complete an upload of a gedcom file (31.6 MB) for 4 days. I get 1/2 way ther…
How can I get the attached translated?How can I get the attached translated?
what information do I give to another Family search member to get back to me when I ask them a questwhat information do I give to another Family search member to get back to me when I ask them a ques…
Helper ModeThe helper mode allows an LDS member to access another persons account . Are their any cautions …
I have accounts with Ancestry and My Heritage is there a way to link them or can I upload a Ged.comI have accounts with Ancestry and My Heritage is there a way to link them or can I upload a…
how to correct information added by someone to my family treehow to correct information added by someone to my family tree
Walter Thomas Airey. Father of John William Airey. His father was Walter Airey. Mother was Nora AireThat's all we know. Walter Thomas Airey had 4 siblings. Frank. Doreen. Jean. Kenneth. His father's …
I'm needing some help with a couple of people in my family tree. Names are William D Beauchamp, whoI'm needing some help with a couple of people in my family tree. Names are William D Beauchamp, who…
What are the limits of a family tree? I'd like to enter my whole family but try to understand the liWhat are the limits of a family tree? I'd like to enter my whole family but try to understand the l…
Define a secondary name for a personDefine a secondary name for a personHello Does anyone know how to add a also-known-as name for a p…
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