Family Tree
Ask about the worldwide, community family tree.
Discussion List
How can I add my wife and her tree to mine?How can I add my wife and her tree to mine?We just got married recently and want to add each other …
Fern Elizabeth Drowns (who is my mother) is shown in my family records to be deceased. Her birthdayFern Elizabeth Drowns (who is my mother) is shown in my family records to be deceased. Her birthday…
How do I add a suffix?How do I add a suffix? I have a SR and the son with the same name does not have a suffix. I want to…
How do I find out who submitted a person?How do I find out who submitted a person?My direct line grandfather born in 1757 has never had a fa…
www.familysearch.orgwww.familysearch.orgDownloading family tree data from FamilySearch Family Tree Every few days w…
Can I add a second spouse to my tree, and if so, howCan I add a second spouse to my tree, and if so, howI am divorced from my first wife in 1997. I am …
When linking a photo to the family tree, where can I find the person's id # so I do not have to searWhen linking a photo to the family tree, where can I find the person's id # so I do not have to sea…
Can I save "snapshots" of my tree?Can I save "snapshots" of my tree?While browsing, with no particular reason, I happens on…
My next question is: Whilst most of my family history has been done on FamilySearch is it possible tMy next question is: Whilst most of my family history has been done on FamilySearch is it possible …
how to enable relationship viewinghow to enable relationship viewing
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