Family Tree
Ask about the worldwide, community family tree.
Discussion List
Tree Building Guidelines for new users?Is there a document or page dealing with how to improve person profiles to benefit everyone and not…
how do I access family treehow do I access family tree
Date of Birth or Date of DeathHow do i change or amend a date of birth of date of death in an existing record where there is eith…
Share with just found relativeExcuse me asking but I don't now where to look. I have just found a relative on social media. I…
Record already attached to a different ID...?When I try to index records, I often find what I've shown in the attached screenshot. Is there anyt…
Record Hints and IDsWhat do I do when a record hint is already attached to a different ID?
If their are no living relatives to ask about deceased relatives, where do I start to get informatioresearching my grand parents and great grandparents but I am having a difficut time in locating rec…
person was detached from parents, why?This person was detached from parents and all supporting documents were detached & the place of…
Merge request: Oscar Endich, PMSL-QX7 and GJHH-TTBTwo entries for the same Oscar Endich, PMSL-QX7 and GJHH-TTB. I can't do it myself since "Poss…
Walter Andrew Kirk PMSV-KB4 and Alfred Kirk PMSV-1LHThese are the sons of my Eliza Ann Marriott who is my 14c1r. The computer shows they have no relat…
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