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Discussion List
0Like being blind and groping around in the darkMalcolm Brian Wain said: Is it my PC or have you changed the layout of your frontage? as now when I…
0Nova página de entrada no FamilySearchPaulisa Lacerda de Arimateia Santos said: Está abrindo para mim uma nova página de entrada no siste…
0Email letter to Patrons for helper request PlannerInez C. Floyd said: Suggestion for this email sent to patrons: FamilySearch Dear (Patron), …
0Attach individual to source in someone else's Source BoxBrad Hurley said: I've come across unindexed sources that have been attached to individuals by othe…
0Relationships per family groupsRose Ellen Jenkins said: I am saddened with the new 'policy' to indicate Gay relationships. This g…
0Where did the menu items at the top of the home page go?Teva Scheer said: On the Family Search.org home page, the menu items that used to run across the to…
0Community trees functionality no longer working on iphone updated to 13.3Cherie Gardner Rawlings said: My husband and I both have iphone 6s--my husbands, 6s is running vers…
0Request for digitalisation of film 1393924 DGS 4672365Gerhard Günsberg said: Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin an einem auf Mikrofilm verfügbaren Be…
0Get in touch with living relatives - descendants of a common ancestorPeter Højvang Christensen said: I am often helping people in our local FHC here in Denmark in findi…
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