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What date will the collection of records be available for Landshut, Bavaria, Germany?Hello, An article on FS Research Wiki mentions that a collection of records for Landshut, Bavaria,…
1870 Ohio and Indiana overrun with Floridians!Been working on the Barber family ( a Barber working on Barber's - cute) and the 1870 census for Fl…
Retired record - new record incompleteregarding: Ada Mahala Hopkins ID 9ML2-FHN There are two tags for the 1871 birth of a daughter. The…
ERROR - placename Bloemendaal@N Tychonievich And another one for the list…
Please can somebody get this document from FHL ?Riveli di beni e anime, Santa Cristina Gela (Palermo), 1811-1816…
Downloading images from FamilySearchCan some one explain why we are getting "Exceeding Bandwidth Limits" when attempting to d…
FamilySearch Catalog UpdateI access the FamilySearch Catalog most days, usually many times every day. Today, for the first tim…
Can I get info on an institutionalized personI am just wondering if I found someone in an institution is there a way to get more info?
Anna Maria Brasch, Danzig, 1793good morning, my ancesters lived in Danzig during the years 1700/1867. Where are the archives about…
ERROR - Placename Standardization on-the-fly@N Tychonievich please and thanks. Susan Cowan died in Chicago, Cook, Illinois, in 1918. Her death…
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