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ERROR - placename standardization@N Tychonievich and again here "Amsterd…
Error Report - Placename Standardization@N Tychonievich Collection New York, Church and Civil Deaths, 1824-1962 https://www.familysearch.or…
ERROR - placename standardization@N Tychonievich here also "Amsterdam, …
Site-wide Location Change RequestPlease do a site wide change of Monticello, Tama, Iowa, United States to Monticello, Jones, Iowa, U…
ERROR - placename standardization@N Tychonievich another placename mixup "…
ERROR - placename standardization@N Tychonievich again a wrong statdardization…
1870 Census event place is incorrectThe place shown is Pennsylvania, but when you open the image, the actual event place is Albemarle C…Answered Closed EarlMarshall if it isnt documented it didnt happen 81 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Maile L
Wrong Place Names for GermanyAll that had been listed in in the South end of Rheinland (or Rheinprovinz) are now decreed SAARLAN…Answered Closed W D Samuelsen contact me please 71 views 1 comment 3 points Most recent by W D Samuelsen contact me please
Wrong place in the countyAs you see in the picture Shawinigan-Sud is not belong to the Champlain County (MRC) this (MRC) cou…
Multiple "Mexico" options in Tree Search — which to use?I was trying to search for a married couple by groom given names, bride given names, and date-range…
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