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ERROR - placename Noordhorn gem. Zuidhorn@N Tychonievich and yet another one where &qu…
ERROR - placename Winsum@N Tychonievich also wrong here "Winsum,…
ERROR - placename Den Hoorn@N Tychonievich another one "Den Hoorn, …
ERROR - placename Rijswijk@N Tychonievich another one for you in this c…
In need of a favor with Microfilm 1185018Hi, I hope I am in the right place...If there is a different way to go about this, please feel free…
How do I order a copy of my grandfather's birth certificate from Finland?I am hoping to find out more information about my grandfather's family in Finland. He emigrated to …
Automatic catalog unlockingMany collections relating to vital records are locked waiting for 100 years for births and 75 years…
Images sideways and mirror imageI wasn't quite sure where to put this, so I assume it will be moved to the right group, if necessar…
Brand-new misbehavior: index corrections aren't showingThe way the probably-a-bot adds the man's surname to the woman's in the newly-published Hungarian i…Answered Closed Julia Szent-Györgyi 151 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi
ERROR - placename standardization@N Tychonievich and again in this case "…
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