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Catalog entry gives DGS number but no indication of where to viewThe Family History Catalog entry for Vermont, Addison, New Haven - Probate files indicates that the…
hova lett a jó és jól megszokott feljegyzés keresés?Már régen kerestem ősöket a familyn, mert mindig volt mit csinálni. Most akarok keresni és egy telj…
unwanted search resultsHow can I do a simple direct precise search without getting a lot of suggestions that I don't want.…
How do I quickly find US Census & Wisconsin Census from 1925 to 1935 for Charles Robertson?This updated website has brought my searches to a stand still. This is not user friendly site anymo…
Download individual church book recordWhen I get to the digital film I want and the image that I am after, I press the download button. I…
BMD Films from Poland made Available?Hello. I would like to know whether the following films would be available for viewing. BMD 1829-1…
Records being indexed to the wrong town of SchönwaldeHello, I have come across many records that have been indexed to the town of Schönwalde, Flatow, Ma…
Eastern Necropolis Cemetery in Glasgow Scotland ledger books gone ?I used to be able to look thru a scanned version of the Eastern Necropolis internment and lair purc…
Bug in new search's results display: "All Information" ...isn't.I was searching the Ellis Island ship manifests. The parts I knew for certain were the ship and the…
hr maryland church recordsold st pauls episcopal church records 1600, 1700,1800 ,marriages , births &burials attempting …
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