Catalog entry gives DGS number but no indication of where to view
Welcome to the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
Short Answer: NOT all "Films", whether "Digitised" or NOT, are available 'On-Line' in 'FamilySearch'.
Please be aware and advised, that just because a "Film", has been "Digitised" (and, has a DGS number), DOES NOT mean, that the "Film" will be, available 'On-Line", to 'see'/access/view either, the
(1) "Index" (if there is one); and/or,
(2) any associated "Images".
in 'FamilySearch'.
In relation to "Films", under the "Format" Column:
IF, there is NOT "Magnify Glass" Icon; THEN, there is NO "Index", available 'On-line', in 'FamilySearch'.
IF, there is NOT "Camera" Icon (even, with a "Key" Icon, above it); THEN, there are NO "Images", available 'On-line', in 'FamilySearch'.
I know that this certainly does not help/assist; but, I hope that this gives you some, insight; and, perspective.
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You can try Search> Images:
These are just the images - no index I believe. There are 291 results for location New Haven, Addison, Vermont in Search Images. The DGS is different there - 5541921 (for example). You may need to scroll/browse or Ctrl + F (Windows OS and search for 'probate' in the Results) for other DGS numbers to browse the complete collection.
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Furthermore ...
Just for some 'light' reading ...
Here are some "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch':
Why are there access limitations on Historical Records?
Why do some indexes have access limitations?
What are the image restrictions in Historical Records?
Why did some historical records disappear from FamilySearch?