Bug in new search's results display: "All Information" ...isn't.

I was searching the Ellis Island ship manifests. The parts I knew for certain were the ship and the date.
I had the display set to "fixed table" (because it's the one that fits widthwise) and "all information" (because "minimal" and "default" take up nearly as much room without conveying any actual information).
Ship names have never been shown on FS's search results pages, so I wasn't expecting anything that useful, but the date of arrival isn't shown, either.
This is ridiculous. How can you honestly label this as "all information" when something as basic as the arrival date on an ::ehem:: arrival manifest is not shown?
"All information" -- for some definition of "all" that I am unfamiliar with.
Please fix the results page. Get rid of the unnecessary whitespace, show us the data, and don't call it "all" when you actually mean "just some".
Dear Julia,
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Would you mind sharing the name of the ship and the date that you used in the unsuccessful search you did? It is always good to allow others to use your exact search path the see if they have the same results, especially when the results are not positive. It is also helpful to know what browser and operating system you are using if you are on a computer, or what device you are working with if you are using the mobile app since different equipment can often generate different results.
While you did not appreciate the response above [which may mean you do not have a Feedback button in the browser you are using], the fastest way to report directly to the developers who are working with changes to FamilySearch features is to use a white Feedback tab on any page where it is available.
I hope you will respond with your search path so that I can try to replicate your search as I continue to work with this recent change.
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@CDBurk, I'm not seeing the relevance of the specific search to the displayed details (or lack thereof), but OK, I'll go into more detail for you.
I was looking for a specific arrival manifest that someone on a mailing list had saved, but couldn't remember which website it came from. It was probably from Ellis Island, because the image quality was pretty bad, making the names very hard to read, but the ship name, the port, and the departure date were nice and clear. I started with Steve Morse's gold form, because you can't search by just ship name anywhere else. I put in Kaiserin Auguste Victoria, Hamburg, and Oct. 1913, and got 2000-something results. I randomly chose one of the names (the last one on the first page: Ambroziak, Stanislaw), went to the new FS abomination, put "Ellis" in the Search by Collection box, and then put the name in on the collection-specific search, because at least it still has the exact boxes available without five extra clicks. I got five Stanislaws: https://www.familysearch.org/search/record/results?q.givenName=Stanislaw&q.givenName.exact=on&q.surname=Ambroziak&q.surname.exact=on&f.collectionId=1368704
No matter where I looked, I could not find a single event date associated with any of the results. How the heck am I supposed to tell results apart without an event date? And under what definition could this possibly qualify as "All Information", my chosen setting under More Options > Preferences?
I've since figured out that the Data Sheet format includes the "immigration" date, but that format is about twice the width of my screen (which is a widescreen laptop), so it really doesn't work to leave my preferences set to that.
(The Stanislaw on the Kaiserin Auguste turned out to be the first result; I clicked on the camera on his result and then used the various numbers on the manifest pages to browse to the correct image.)
This really is a bug in the search results display options: you tell it to display all information, and it doesn't.
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It's called 'responsive web design' - making use of the screen space available on the device...maybe they can change something but...
I tried to recreate the issue - on Windows 10 laptop (not extra-wide) - the Data Sheet with 'All information'. This results in a scrollable Result view - and although it does require scrolling does appear to show 'all information'. Did something change? Is that working for you now?
Fixed table with 'all information' only has birth years to determine from which of the 4 - 1900s results to select:
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@genthusiast, it's already zoomed out right to the limit of usability: I can barely read it in the evenings when my eyes are tired. (I just checked: it would take another three steps of "zoom out" for the table to just barely fit. I can't read that at all on this screen.)
It takes a ridiculous amount of wasted space for a table to end up too wide on a 3840x2160 monitor -- and in any case, I should not need to resort to it. The "All Information" view needs to deliver what it promises.
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Perhaps if compactness of Results is desired - users should always view the Search Results in a spreadsheet. I think that is as compact as you can get - it's available in More Options: Preferences after you perform the Search.
By the way, running the same Search URL today only gave me 5 results - 2000+ to 5 in 1 month (+) now that's responsive?