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Zimbabwe—Gokwe, Church Records, 1954–2022On the baptism records, sometimes there is a marriage listed. Do we index the marriage also?
Changed order of formSomehow I moved the date for a marriage and the given name of the father to another position of the…
More time on US DirectoryMay I please have another week or so to complete the US Directory I'm working on? It was listed as …
Naturalization records- Petition for Naturalization and Declaration of IntentionSo while indexing I came across a Declaration of Intention on top of a Petition for Naturalization.…
Image with 4 entries and just one is no extractable data.I'm reviewing a patch that is one image, but just one entry is no extractable data. If I mark no ex…
birth certificate with death certificateI'm reviewing death microfilms but in one image I found a birth certificate. There is no option to …
Should I date an April death as 1860 or 1859? [see below] [MQNS-D71]The Enumerator in the death column dated the death year Nov 59, Dec 59, etc. Finally came across a…
US—City Directories, 1902–1935 [Part B][MQN7-ZV6] - What if I can't finish batch?I am currently indexing the above batch, I have completed 600+ entries from two pages. I still hav…
US, Michigan—Naturalization Records, 1887–1943 [MQFL-15L]In an Application to Take Oath of Allegiance to the United States Under the Act of June 25, 1936 th…
US—City Directories, 1902–1935 [Part B] [MQNW-4SQ]I was discussing with a new indexer named Hansen that you should use the or if a name is listed wit…
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