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How do I report incorrect linking under Images?How do I report incorrect linking under Images?The link below should take me to Canisbay, Caithness…
Indexing. I clicked more info to extract, instead of the no more info to extract. Now I have threeIndexing. I clicked more info to extract, instead of the no more info to extract. Now I have three…
First column under Davin, John - do I index Colby as a separate surname since it's listed as part ofFirst column under Davin, John - do I index Colby as a separate surname since it's listed as part o…Answered ✓ Closed Dawnia Renelle Walker 246 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Heather R Jacobs
how to index records on linehow to index records on lineAnswered ✓ Closed grimaldo351.549489242653093E12 262 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Melissa S Himes
Need to delete an entry.Need to delete an entry.Answered ✓ Closed spotok1.5526809820963877E12 228 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Melissa S Himes
I am interested in helping to index the following item(s). I am a newbie, and this item does not shoI am interested in helping to index the following item(s). I am a newbie, and this item does not sh…
Will the Indiana event on government records on 11/3 be recorded for later viewing?Will the Indiana event on government records on 11/3 be recorded for later viewing?
What is indexing?What is indexing?
I saw an article where Family Search asking for help from indexers in Spanish. It was in the last feI saw an article where Family Search asking for help from indexers in Spanish. It was in the last f…
Where do I find information about Reviewing help.? Specifically, what do I do when I find an error?Where do I find information about Reviewing help.? Specifically, what do I do when I find an error?
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