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Can't Submit Batch - Extra Entries I Can't DeleteBatch from French Polynesia. Image record contains 36 entries but there is only one on the documen…
What should I do?Hi there! I started working with some Mexican documents, and there is something like a marriage an…
unable to access indexing recordsI am trying to index records and every batch I click on has a window pop up saying that it isn't av…
adele bentleyCensus Record. Death. I cannot determine if there is a surname.
I've seen quotation marks . . ( see below for full question.)I've seen quotation marks to show an obviouse copy of last word on last column. But what about chec…
Lotes en ceroBuenas noches, ingresé a indexar o revisar y mis lotes hechos están en cero!!!!
I have a question about indexing 2 different husbands mentioned in a Naturalization documentI am working on a naturalization document, and the lady is requesting that her citizenship be resto…
I can't figure out which year to use- there are two given.I am reviewing this batch: US—City and Business Directories, 1749–1990 [Part C][M3WG-G22]. There ar…
How should this batch be indexed? Batch MSGD-JF1We do not want to follow the General Indexing Guidelines, " Crossed-Out, Corrected, Canceled, …Answered Closed Wendy Thompson Bell 271 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Susana Elizabeth Tello Moraleda
For Ocean Arrivals: Does the "arrival place" come from the stamp dated or the"Destined to"?Ocean arrivals mean that a person is entering a port to get their document stamped. Is it proper/lo…Answered ✓ Closed DuzlemicKarin7 391 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Susana Elizabeth Tello Moraleda
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