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US, New York Nat Records part E. Please look at image 2. It is a letter concerningRachel Elvira Nielsen's Naturalization. I am wondering if this should be marked NNED. The actual Pe…
How does one translate a date that is written: 10 9bre 1866In indexing Belgian marriage records I have encountered months that are written: 10 9bre 1866. How…
Entry typesHow do I choose an entry type when there are baptisms on the image, but the only choices for entry …
Why are thousands of Danish 1921 Census dates of birth indexed wrongly?No one who appears in the 1921 Denmark Census can possibly be born AFTER the census was recorded bu…
US, New York Nat Records part E. In image 2, there are 2 different signatures underhis picture. How should I index his name? I put GN: Louis Pierre SN: Martin or Martino Is this corr…
US, Massachusetts—Naturalization Records, 1790–1946 [Part A]Many of these documents have numbers on the top right that look like this example: [247-94]. I t…
Quality Check Rejects Date as Too EarlyBatch ID: Problem:…
Should other wives and husbands of children be indexed?I am currently reviewing US, Montana, Polson—Tribal Genealogies, 1870–1995[MQD5-DHR]. the direction…
Can I put information from an image in a neighboring batch into an entry?Batch MQD7-YCM is the first page of the Petition of Naturalization which I am reviewing. Page 2 has…
How do you index a suffix on a name?Example: Joseph Smith, Jr. When reviewing the index it was listed as: " Joseph , Jr ." u…
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