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Have you made updatesThis discussion was created from comments split from: FS account connection to LDS church account.
Wrong countries listingIn spite of specifying a country I am searching in, the search engine persists in offering people w…
[community site] My post time is from the future, when I'm logged outWhen I'm logged out, my post time is 5 hours in the future. When I'm logged in it's correct. Scree…Answered ✓ Closed No one in particular 81 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by No one in particular
TIP: ROOTSTECH CONNECTsign up for RootsTech and then check out how many cousi…
Grave of a veteran of the War of 1812This discussion was created from comments split from: Message Threads.
Jamestown to the RevolutionIn one direct line of descendants in my family, there was a man who arrived at the Jamestown Colony…
To do list missingI tried the new home page but I could not find the To do list on it. I depend on that list to help …
How do I become a member of the Russian/Hebrew translation group?How do I become a member of the Russian/Hebrew translation group?
Connecting with other members of Family searchThanks for this website, it's been very helpful with my search for family . Not sure if the feature…
What does notification "Promoted to Level 1" mean?I just received the following email notification from FamilySearch Community: "Congratulations…
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