Family Tree
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Discussion List
Why aren't my children's family charts the same? Same parents for all and BIC.Tonight my three older kids (teenagers) were logged into their individual family search accounts. W…
Free Ancestry account?I heard that members of the Church can have a free Ancestry account. How does that work?
Can you tell me what my username and password are?It's been awhile since I logged into FamilySearch and I can't remember what my username and passwor…
I see other people have added information about my ancestors. I'd like to talk to them. How can I?They might have information I don't have. Who knows, we might be related!
Forgotten Username and PasswordSorry but I seem to have forgotten my username and password. It has been a while since I have sign…
Cannot Change PasswordI have tried three times to change my password. I don't remember my "current" password s…
What does NFS legacy meanat the bottom of the source page attached to my great uncle say NFS Legacy. But I can't open that …
Helen May Johnson GHM5-TFR is attached twice to her mother.Helen May Johnson GHM5-TFR is listed with her mother Lena W Kerksick KZP6-QCG twice once with her f…
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