Family Tree
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Help readingI need help in reading no. 13 Maria Am at a loss Thank You!
Parents of Verena GuedelIs this information correct for Verena Guedel. getauft 25 Oct 1722, Parents: David Guedel & Els…Answered ✓ Closed Edna Walchli Stratford 271 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Edna Walchli Stratford
I have a son that transgender and had sex change operation and has changed his Birth Cert. to femaleHow do I record this in Family SearchAnswered ✓ Closed Frank Manley Chase 287 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Cherie Gardner Rawlings
Is one allowed to estimate Vitals data in FamilySearch?Someone told me I can add a date and place to the record of a person in Family Tree, based on known…
How do I add the step-mother of my deceased relative?My relative's wife died when the children were small. Then he remarried and that second wife became…
2 people merged as oneIn my tree there is a person who has at least one other person merged with him of the same name. I …
How do I add a source I found on the internet?I was looking at a family member on I haden't previously been able to find anythin…
I made a mistake and added a wrong person to my tree. How do I delete that wrong person?While adding a person to my Family Tree, I created a record for a person that doesn't exist. I'm so…
A person in my tree has the wrong wife connected to him.I know my relative only had one wife but there is also a second record with a spouse we have never …
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