Enter approximate dates into Family Tree • FamilySearch
https://www.familysearch.org/help/helpcenter/article/i-dont-know-the-exact-date-to-enter-into-family-treeYou can enter approximate, calculated, and estimated dates into Family Tree.
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Concerning the question about estimating vital data, below is an article which explains how to complete the task of an estimated date.
The above article was found by clicking on the circle with the question mark in the upper right corner of any FamilySearch page and typing in your question or clicking on Help Center at the bottom of that screen and choosing the best area, such as Family Tree, etc., and scrolling for an answer or typing in your question.
Hello Carol,
Nice to see you.
You can add a date and place to a person in Family Tree. I do that and then list my source in the "Reason this Information is Correct".
But now, if you have to have an actual copy, or written information regarding the source you are wanting to add to a person, and if you have a printer/scanner, or phone that can take pictures, you can scan your source, add it to memories for your relative, or post a picture from the Family Tree App as a source to your relative.
Here is the Help Article regarding creating your own sources in Family Tree.
You can find the Help Center by clicking on the ? on the upper right of FamilySearch and search the Help Center.