Family Tree
Ask about the worldwide, community family tree.
Discussion List
How to Add Persons Who Are not in My Family Tree?Hi, I can't find the option to add persons who are not my relatives. I'd like to do this for people…
Where is the best place to post a question relating to Family Tree?I'm confused as to whether users are meant to post here (…
Ordinances shown as not doneAccording to my records, the ordinances for my deceased uncle were done. I don not want to do them…
How do I merge duplicate records when the sex is different?Louvia Pope LRSN-LJX and Louvie Pope 0JSR=LP4 seem to be the same person. How can I merge these rec…
Attaching a Source to Indirect Family MemberIs there a way to attach a Census Source to an indirect family member (ie Grandchild, Niece/Nephew,…
LIVING people I have added to my family tree. Their information is restricted now. But, in 50, 75,I think it is important for this information to be recorded now as it seems access to some data may…
Answered Closed conniephillips1.5322883071068442E12 211 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Brett .
When putting in a couple relationship, how to you put adopted for children?My son is adopted by my second husband and I would like that relationship to show.
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