Ordinances shown as not done

According to my records, the ordinances for my deceased uncle were done. I don not want to do them again.
Best Answer
Missing ordinances usually mean there is a duplicate you have not found yet in Family Tree. In this case, you just need to keep searching until you find it.
If your uncle received the ordinances personally during his lifetime, not being able to see them in Family Tree generally means that his church membership record never had his death recorded on it. If his death was recent, contact his last ward clerk. If that is not possible or the death was more is more distant, contact FamilySearch Support with proof of his death such as an obituary and they can put his death date and place on his membership record which will add it to his private, invisible Family Tree record making it visible. That is the only record that will have his ordinances on it and you can then merge the record you can see and that newly visible record.
Rarely, not finding a record with the ordinances you know were done is because that record accidentally got merged away and the ordinances are hiding on someone else. In this case about all you can do is contact FamilySearch Support with acceptable proof the ordinances were completed. As far as I know, that is only the original temple-stamped ordinance card or something very specific such as a journal entry that they can use to look up the temple records. If the ordinances can be documented, they can add them to his FamilyTree record.
If the ordinances cannot be properly documented, they have to be redone.
@golsonvl It would be helpful if you would include the PID of the uncle then someone could take a look at the record and possibly give you a bit more direction.