When putting in a couple relationship, how to you put adopted for children?

My son is adopted by my second husband and I would like that relationship to show.
Best Answer
Add the information for your living son if not already added.
Copy your son's ID # into your computer clipboard. (short term storage)
"Add child" using copied ID# in your detail page with Famil Members of you and your 2nd husband as couple.
Edit your son's relationship (small box with pencil) and add Relationship type "Adoptive" to your 2nd husband. Your relationship type with your son should remain Biological.
This allows your son (with same ID#) to appear as "Adoptive" with 2nd husband and biological with your 1st husband.
Note: because you are dealing with living people (Privacy) only you as the account holder will see this in your tree. No one else will see this.
- While signed in to FamilySearch, click Family Tree.
- If possible, navigate to the child, and note the ID number.
- Navigate back to the Tree view, and in the top banner, click Find.
- Enter search terms, or click Find by ID if you know the ID number of the father or mother. In the search results, click the parent to bring up the summary card.
- Click Person.
- If the Details section is not open, click the Details tab.
- Scroll to the Family Members section.
- Under Spouses and Children, click Add Child.
- Enter search terms, or click Find by ID Number if you know the ID number of the child.
- Click Find.
- Review the possible matches.
- Click Add Match.
- To use the information in your search entry to add the child's record into Family Tree, click Create Person.