FamilySearch Messaging
Discussion List
Messaging Communication between interested parties. problemsA. The discussion messages sent directly to me (not just posted) I am getting in the ap, But they d…Answered Closed Rasmussensuem 141 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Áine Ní Donnghaile General Questions
Does FamilySearch messaging auto-delete attached images?I attached an image through my gallery and shared it with my Family Group. Viewing the message now …
Is there a reason message history no longer scrolls to see all the people you have messaged.I have tried on 5 different browsers, Firefox, Opera, Vivaldi, Chrome and Edge. The messages themse…Answered Closed Kathysexton70 861 views 12 comments 1 point Most recent by AnneLoForteWillson General Questions
How do I send a message in Family Tree?I am trying to reply to a message I received from another user, but it appears "Messages"…
Someone has commented on my photoWhat they have posted doesn't make sense to me how can I respond or comment back?