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The first section of baptisms in Birmensdorf images are indexed wrongIn the Birmensdorf online images, Film #008014302, images 4 through 52 are all indexed correctly. T…
Greater Care Needed in Recording Indexes Throughout the Indexing ProcessCase in Point: The index of the marriage of Marcelius delos Reyes (LKPF-RWQ) and Tomasa Roat (LKPF-…
Help Editing Family HistoryHi, I'm having trouble editing incorrect information on my family lineage. There is an incorrect co…Answered ✓ Closed Shea-Alison Rose Thompson 271 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by MNuttall Family Tree
There seems to an error in a source in LZN2-QH1In the sources for LZN2-QH1 in the 1861 English census. this source is tied to a person born in the…Answered Closed MrYeliab 231 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by CarolynMBeazer General Questions
How should I handle this record?So I am doing some family reaserch on my Polish ancestors. I got the dates I needed, but have found…
What does this change mean?This change was recently made to one of my ancestors & I am trying to figure out what was actua…
Read onlyFirst let me acknowledge that the "Read only" topic has been extensively discussed. Howev…