Edit Vital Information
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What is the proper location name to use?My research is in Germany and I've come across some entries in FS that include a location name that…Answered ✓ Closed silvia gerstner mcinnes 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Family Tree
How To Fix an Indexing ErrorHello, There is an error on the record of one of our ancestors in this record: New Jersey Births an…
Edit system will not allow me to edit a field that was indexed incorrectly as a blank, nor others😥Here's a situation in which the indexer just left something blank rather than simply type what was…
Information and Citation tabs going, going, gone?Of late, when I open any U. S. Census doc, the tabs marked "Information" and "Citati…Answered Closed GregoryMorris7 41 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Search
How can I get an indexed name corrected if it has been marked uneditable?Anne Irwin's name was indexed Anna Execoin because of unusual handwriting style on a marriage certi…
COMPLAINTI want you to take away where anyone can just go into anyone's tree and change add/delete informati…Question Closed TeresaCrawford75 921 views 8 comments 1 point Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Family Tree
How to add an out of wedlock child to an existing Tree?The Record of Birth in 1914 for my mother listed her father who had not married her mother. She wa…Answered Closed SharonMerrow 504 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Gail Swihart Watson Family Tree
How do I correct the death date ?I am working on a person, Roy Carey Mason (1881-1973): 9D48-CF7 I entered the death date manually b…
Edits on indexed recordsI recently found a marriage record where the male had been mistakenly indexed as a female, which ca…
unable to change "living" to "deceased"I created Hiram Rogers LYDJ-KBH (born 1808) several years ago and accidentally identified him as &q…Answered Closed KatieReplogle 271 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by KatieReplogle Family Tree