Discussion List
Lookup Request Form print problemThis discussion was created from comments split from: Printing.
Sources Page buggy - UnusableWhen I go to a person's sources page, the website crashes. Specifically, the webpage tries to refre…
1Button for New Discussion on Community PageCould you add a "New Discussion" button to the "My Discussion" tab or make it a…Declined Closed Mark Peoples 247 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by Gordon Collett Suggest an Idea
New Person Pages did not carry over Source TagsOn the new version of the Person pages, all of the Other Information is now sourceless. For every s…
BUG -- The edit window is not usable.If I try to edit vital facts on the person page, a window opens with only a teeny, tiny, box showin…Question Closed Cheryl Viering 252 views 9 comments 1 point Most recent by Cheryl Viering Family Tree
BUG - locations broke againSince there isn't a category for the Find function, I'll post this on the Search category. Places c…
Bug: Source Linker does not show a newly created child with an unknown parentPlease report this to the appropriate software team. While viewing the Source Linker, for a parent …
2 FamilySearch Sources with the exact same citation?I have a Pierre Robidoux KFYY-XXC with 2 sources from FamilySearch that contain the same citation. …Answered ✓ Closed brooklyngardner 186 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by brooklyngardner Family Tree