Is anyone else having issues reporting abuse from messages

I have been trying to report a user for days who told me to drop dead after I told him I would simply have to undo all of his changes - he messaged me first and told me to quit fixing the things he changes (his changes are that he has decided that notes, events and facts are no longer allowed on family search for any reason) It has gotten so bad that I had to copy everything and put in discussions cause I cannot reattach 20 or 30 things everyday. the notes etc had reason notes explaining the proof, links, etc, he said that is not allowed and anything real must only be in sources. So I have to fix her name daily and add back two notes. One explaining why everything has been deleted (maliciously deleted - without putting his name) and the other explaining why her name is correct.
the report function simply no longer works - I tried reporting this months ago, but was told it was working fine (my guess is that it works in house) I have sent an email but that has never helped, not even once, I am always sent a canned response of use the report function.
So am I the only this affects? It always seems to working fine, until you hit the last button and then it is an error message saying it did not work. Before you ask, cache has been cleared multiple times, computer restarted etc., tried on the following browsers - Firefox, Opera, Vivaldi, Edge and Chrome. I actually have not tried on app because I find the app very clunky and too hard to use (again this has been going on for months,) the others were relatively minor - being told to drop dead is not minor
edit to add- I just used the report function on the ancestors profile itself so maybe that will get me some help on this issue
edit - well - I got a response to the email I sent last week, once again, generic information on how to use the report function and to just mute the person, which does not work because the preview still show what they are saying and still allows them to message you. I am guess it is now ok just to to cuss people on messages? I am just at a loss here
Best Answer
i have no idea, but we will send this back to the engineers over this tool and have them figure it out! thanks for reporting it!
@AnneLoForteWillson Could you help her?
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I haven't needed to use the report function in a few weeks. Just checked the date of the last time I did - 25 Feb. It worked fine then.
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was this on the messages section? or reporting from an ancestors profile, please?
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@Kathysexton70 It is very frustrating when your family records and notes are changed. To have someone who is presumably a relative of some sort, who is also working on your family respond rudely to your requests to cooperate makes it even more difficult. So sorry that the report button doesn't seem to be working making you unable to get a resolution for the conflict. In order to help us locate the problem, would you be able to take a screenshot of the error message you have been getting and the page just prior to that?
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first screenshot is of me getting ready to hit send (my email and phone number are on there, just didn't want my ph number on the forum, second shot is of error I got and have been getting for months after I hit send. thank you for any help. I am not so upset at him removing things (although they are proven and documented, he just says notes, events and facts are not appropriate and he won't allow them) it is the drop dead comment I cannot abide
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@Kathysexton70 I think I was able to replicate the error that you were getting. Were you in the messaging system and clicking on the person's userID and then the Report Abuse there?
Here are screenshots of what I found. Can you confirm that this is the same error that you are getting?
Please respond letting me know if this is the same error you were getting.
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Yes, that is exactly what happens
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ok, reporting on the profile itself brought results. Would still like to understand why reporting in messages no longer works
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thank you!
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Hi @Kathysexton70. We have reported the bug. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. Regarding your struggle with the other user, I will send you a private message so we can discuss the details. Maile 🙂
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I have heard this is on the the "fix" list.
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This should have been fixed with the release of the new Chat tool. If you have any more problems reporting abuse in Chat. Please reply in the discussion 💬FamilySearch Chat is Now Live!!!. Thanks. Maile 🙂