Discussion List
Bug: URL error between Ancestor Discovery Page and Tree Detail PageWhen you are on an Ancestor Discovery Page (signed in) and want to "Go to Detail Person Page&q…
Bug: No search results and "Consider adding a last name to avoid this message."Usually I can use a wildcard in the last name of a records search. However it is failing now with n…
I am unable to create a new baptism record group and to keep the new peopleHello! I removed a group of my grandaunt from the baptism record due to the misalignment and disord…
Two bugs in the communityIn the recent discussions page, the discussion here says that the most recent comment was by @Ashle…Answered Closed BraydenGraves 71 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by BraydenGraves General Questions
"Unknown Contributor" on person page, "FamilySearch" in changelogI noticed that a when a person uploaded from the old system in 2012 still has that information on t…Answered Closed BraydenGraves 91 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Adrian Bruce1 General Questions
Serious editing issue -- needs addressed immediately.I was reviewing the family of Robert Thompson McGinnis (G8NZ-7YX). Records were indicating that Rob…
Quick Name Review Record Details button throwing a 404 errorClicking on record details (checked in Firefox and Google Chrome) takes you to the site https://www…