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What is the desired square footage for a workstation in a FamilySearch Center?The proposal for "updating" our center is to cut half of our computers and put the center…Answered White Jimmie 48 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ken Richins - NA FSCS Specialty Lead FamilySearch Center
I keep getting “Something Went Wrong” when I search recordsI first noticed this last week. It happens when I search records or when I click on a link to a rec…
Why has the account creation changed to use email rather than phone?I work at the family search library and help people start their accounts all the time. Today, 2/5/…
Catalog not working in other languagesI've only actually tested with Hungarian, but presumably it's doing the same thing in other languag…Answered Julia Szent-Györgyi 57 views 15 comments 0 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Search
Inconsistency in suggesting "Possible Duplicate Child"?Margaret MacRitchie ( LDF3-XST ) has a Data Problem (or two depending how you're counting). She and…
LISTA DE PASAJEROS QUE EMIGRARON DE ITALIA A ARGENTINA A PARTIR DE 1850Buenos días / noches a todos, me podrán indicar cuales son las palabras claves o de que forma encue…
Toegang tot websitebeste , Kan u me weer toegang bezorgen tot jullie website , groep zoeken, ivm aktes e.d… Met dank m…Answered Michel9784 26 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Áine Ní Donnghaile Nederlands - Dutch
Seeking specific collection of wills from medieval Norfolk - microfilmHello! Many years ago, the Utah Genealogical Society imaged will registers from the Archdeaconry of…
Help feature not workingTrying to help a ward member but Help feature hasn't worked for at least a few days.
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