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How did Family Search come up with this ethnicity part?How do you label a person as African American without proof of them being from Africa?
Catalog - wrong place hierarchyIf I search the catalog for the place "Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee, United States," th…
Document without going to a familysearch centerHello, I used the familysearch website and found the birth certificate of my grandmother and her si…
Images Not LoadingIn the last day or so, I've had issues with many record images simply failing to load. These are im…
Records being placed in the wrong county in FamilySearchI do a lot of historical research of records in and around Wyandotte, Wayne County, Michigan, which…
Unable to blow image up enough to read itUnited States, Newsbank Historic Newspapers, 1815-2001 - Image Ingest and Zoning - 1970: Wake. News…
There is a error in the place names of Richmond, Staten Island (Richmond County), New York CityHi! By the way, this is a very small problem. I was trying to look up some family members in the 19…
Can someone help look at a single source microfilm at FHL in Salt Lake?Records of early California military units: Film 1598348 Item 8 Image Group Number 7951387 Contains…
Wrong traduction of the icon meaningHere is the french traduction witch is not the same meaning from english. Here is the english versi…
ERROR - placename standardization@N Tychonievich and again here "Amsterd…
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