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Help obtaining a copy of an imageHello all. I hope everybody is well. I'm trying to get hold of a copy of this image: "España, …
How do I browse images of certain collections that have been fully indexed?I would like to make a suggestion. When I go search certain collections I no longer see the browse …
Editing an indexed recordIn this image:…
Errors with the Belgium, Antwerp Police Immigration Index, 1840-1930Hi, When I do a record search for one of my ancestors, records show-up in the list from the Belgiu…
Baptismal, Marriage and Burial Records England Earlier than 1685What documents and where are they for the main family events in England earlier than 1685. I have h…
incorrect birth century in massachusetts birth recordsBirth records in film/folder 4000679/2315294, which are all from the years 1909-1910, are now repor…
Know anything about Jewish emigration from Poland to FinlandKnow anything about Jewish emigration from Poland to Finland - Mljenarch/Mlynarz
Getting access to restricted materialsHello Please, forgive me if that is an inappropriate request in this group. I was looking for mater…
Delete obsolete error messageThe Error Loading message is obsolete, not needed. Pages load just fine, but this error is present …
Jacobus Arnoldus Korsten 6 February 1763 BaptismCan you please add this person to the record, it has been left out. I have corrected a few of the …
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