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translation help please and thank you!translation help please and thank you!This is a 1837 marriage record of Johann Stentzel(21) and Sus…
information about Albert Austin Tillett, his siblings, mother (Eliza) and father (John) also how I cinformation about Albert Austin Tillett, his siblings, mother (Eliza) and father (John) also how I …
I am searching for a birth or baptism record in Old Macher, Aberdeen Scotland for 1788. Where do I sI am searching for a birth or baptism record in Old Macher, Aberdeen Scotland for 1788. Where do I …Answered Closed User15843962541277156837 351 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by User15843962541277156837
Why is permission denied when trying to view 1860-1870 census?Why is permission denied when trying to view 1860-1870 census?Answered Closed User15838503357969494325 651 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by User15843555347168559196
I'm looking at a transcription of 1700s Delaware Presbyterian baptism records. Each line has the chiI'm looking at a transcription of 1700s Delaware Presbyterian baptism records. Each line has the ch…Answered Closed User15840822896759510034 401 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User15840822896759510034
Looking for birth and death of Nikola Eror born in Yugoslavia/Serbia in about 1855. Did he ever comLooking for birth and death of Nikola Eror born in Yugoslavia/Serbia in about 1855. Did he ever co…Answered Closed skweyland1.5531978733376167E12 172 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by C E Andrus
Why are US census images no longer available online?Why are US census images no longer available online?Answered Closed Daniel Nadsady 261 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User15838496801892006219
Census ImagesCensus ImagesWhy are the census images no longer available online?
How do I find passenger lists for ships from Scotland to New York in the late 1870s? My ancestors leHow do I find passenger lists for ships from Scotland to New York in the late 1870s? My ancestors l…Answered Closed User15838204372402091190 221 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by multiplesons1.5294187457446106E12
Hi, I can't seem to to search scotland census's, they do not come up, I've tried Browse All PublisheHi, I can't seem to to search scotland census's, they do not come up, I've tried Browse All Publish…
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