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I'm looking at a transcription of 1700s Delaware Presbyterian baptism records. Each line has the chiI'm looking at a transcription of 1700s Delaware Presbyterian baptism records. Each line has the ch…Answered Closed User15840822896759510034 401 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User15840822896759510034
Looking for birth and death of Nikola Eror born in Yugoslavia/Serbia in about 1855. Did he ever comLooking for birth and death of Nikola Eror born in Yugoslavia/Serbia in about 1855. Did he ever co…Answered Closed skweyland1.5531978733376167E12 172 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by C E Andrus
Why are US census images no longer available online?Why are US census images no longer available online?Answered Closed Daniel Nadsady 261 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User15838496801892006219
Census ImagesCensus ImagesWhy are the census images no longer available online?
How do I find passenger lists for ships from Scotland to New York in the late 1870s? My ancestors leHow do I find passenger lists for ships from Scotland to New York in the late 1870s? My ancestors l…Answered Closed User15838204372402091190 221 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by multiplesons1.5294187457446106E12
Hi, I can't seem to to search scotland census's, they do not come up, I've tried Browse All PublisheHi, I can't seem to to search scotland census's, they do not come up, I've tried Browse All Publish…
I can't find birth certificates for either one of my maternal grandparents. Their birth dates are 1I can't find birth certificates for either one of my maternal grandparents. Their birth dates are …Answered Closed User15835087123004865746 241 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User15835087123004865746
I am trying to get the jurisdictions right for my ancestors who lived in east Germany. Is there a cI am trying to get the jurisdictions right for my ancestors who lived in east Germany. Is there a …
Immigrant Lists for Queensland 1873 (Reichstag)christine hill said: I am curious re passenger lists for the immigrant ships that came to Australia…
FS Main site vs. Community FeedbackFS Main site vs. Community FeedbackIs this where I would post questions and/or inquiries/issues I’m…
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