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how do I obtain a birth certificate for a relative from early 1900 from Italy?how do I obtain a birth certificate for a relative from early 1900 from Italy?
Census ConsensusCensus ConsensusI have an interesting challenge concerning a few elusive censuses I have yet to fin…
No Records Before 1400? Just a question out of curiosity. It seems there are virtually no recordsHolmes Moody said: I just wonder why there seem to be few records prior to 1400. Is it a system c…
Having difficulty locating family member I once found using this systemRhasheen Turnage said: I am having a hard time using this system, It doesn't give you all informat…
Help identifying an old drawing? Artwork?Help identifying an old drawing? Artwork?This was in an old box of stuff belonging to my husbands g…
How do I search by ID numberHow do I search by ID number
I traced back an Austrian Ancestor to Pfenningen, Balingen, Wurtemburg, Germany and found a film frI traced back an Austrian Ancestor to Pfenningen, Balingen, Wurtemburg, Germany and found a film f…
Information on ancestors of Gerald George Wynne Trevredyn-TaitInformation on ancestors of Gerald George Wynne Trevredyn-TaitI am searching for information on the…
I'm new to indexing. I'm working on marriage licenses. At the bottom it says the marriage took plaI'm new to indexing. I'm working on marriage licenses. At the bottom it says the marriage took pl…
Is there a list telling what denomination was the preacher my ancestor was married by in 1798 KentucIs there a list telling what denomination was the preacher my ancestor was married by in 1798 Kentu…Answered ✓ Closed User15816275361599883248 201 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Dennis J Yancey
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