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Microfilm 007515696 - Missouri, County Marriage...records, 1800-1991 These are supposed t…
Who are the parents of Arnold Peet LLQ6-ZP5 b. New York?Hi, I am needing help in finding the parents for Arnold Peet LLQ6-ZP5 b. New York. Arnold is the d…
Microfilm 815968 (Digital Folder Number 007562770) incorrectly indexed as CaldbeckI have hired a genealogist to look up records in Cumbria, U.K., for example Jonathan Nicholson born…
Why is FamilySearch sharing church membership records from 1955 & 1960?I recently found church membership records from 1955 & 1960 attached to my father and mother, w…
Unable to Access England and Wales 1871 census anymore.Hello I am unable to access certain 1871 census records for England/Wales, I have not had an issue…
Colleen CuratoloI would like to know where my Great Grand Father, Xavier (or Haver) Schneider is buried and how he …
Can someone fix this image set?Starting at image 18 the left and right sides of the pages no longer line up. So images 16 and 17 a…
Where can I find records for Bedford?In probate records of Loudoun County, Virginia (1803-1806), an estate adminintrator, is identified …
Caswell County, North Carolina, United States Census, 1790Question: Searching for records for Caswell County, North Carolina filtered by collection = United …Answered ✓ Closed Daniel_Calvin_Campbell 301 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Daniel_Calvin_Campbell
Hints bugUse of the Step relationship type is causing FT hints to get confused. See LBNP-Z69: stepmother, …
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