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Baptisimal recordOn a baptisimal record I have two unidentified dates. Can I assume that the oldest is the birth dat…
Glascock history from Nimrod GlascockThis discussion was created from comments split from: Make simple corrections to records..
indexing problemi was indexing a multiple image batch and one of the images was in a different language than all th…Answered ✓ Closed Walker, Tyler William 451 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Melissa S Himes
Age interpretation on Burial recordI'm doing a burial batch from St. Luke Chelsea Middlesex. In the age column, there are some strang…
Marriage record: male - femaleI'm curious as to the logic of not indicating "male" or "female" for a marriage…
marriage record year - no where on recordI've run into this situation often when reviewing marriage records: a marriage year is indexed how…
there is no extractable data but someone may need this info to finish a different I say 'no distractable data or just return it? United States—Enlisted and Officer Muster Rolls a…
Hey! I was wondering how to add a second wife to the indexing entries. thx!I was doing a batch in Afrikaans so there might be some translation error on my part, but I think i…
The batch I am doing is upside down and I can not read it what do I do?the batch is upside down and I can not read it. I can not flip it right side up I am not sure what …
Educating indexer who makes systematic errorIn my Review process I encountered an indexer who systematically calculates and register events' &q…
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