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Can I keep recommended tasks from appearing on my home page?Hello! I am being overwhelmed with recommended tasks (i.e., "record hints"). I no sooner …Answered ✓ Closed Patrick John Kleaver 511 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Patrick John Kleaver
No General Announcement: New policy on Community account logout threshold?Recently FamilySearch Community implemented a new policy - a logout threshold/timing mechanism - wh…
new pages for FS-boringI personally do not like the lack of color on the new person pages. I know FS is always trying to c…
😁 😁 Thank you for being awesome, everyone! 😁 😁Merry Christmas!!!
Website issuesI couldn't find a place to report questions about web site issues apart from here. 1) In the past w…
Records of birthI'm not familiar with the records of England (or anything about England). M4HM-1T6, William Petrie …
Need advice on a problem printingThis discussion was created from comments split from: Website issues.
LinkI was given a link and when I clicked on it I got sdvertisements
dark screen on Family searchTwo items. First-how do I darken my computer screen in the Family Search website? Second and most i…
Rootstech Discount for Consultants again?In years prior to the Pandemic when Rootstech was in person (which is happening now finally again i…
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