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Copyright issueHello: I reported a copyright issue to FamilySearch about 6 weeks ago. I have not heard from th…
Where are the old FamilySearch lessonsThis discussion was created from comments split from: ⭐A New Version of the Homepa…
Where are my Relatives ??Preamble You know when i was in school I asked many many questions. The professor would sigh and a…
The Planner is not showing my Hints and Temple tabs only family History ActivitiesThe Planner was working fine yesterday I could see a lot of Tasks Temple and Duplicates to do but t…
GRANDMA #17566I found this reference to a source "GRANDMA #17566". How do I find this document?
No New Idea buttonThis discussion was created from comments split from: Ability to submit a new IDEA.
The Feedback button at the left in New Source Linker fails in SafariThe button or tab to provide feedback on the new source linker fails with an error pop-up message s…
Roots techWhy doesn't roots tech not show my dads side? It's zeroed out. Anyone can explain this?
💬FamilySearch Chat is Now Live!!!FamilySearch Chat is a new messaging system on that is now available. It replaces …
Community NotificationsHow do I set it up so I just get notifications to my questions and not get other questions/answers?…
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