Family Tree
Ask about the worldwide, community family tree.
Discussion List
Data entered by FamilySearchHello, my question is somewhat similar to the one I've read elsewhere under the title Source - Fami…
How would you document a disinterment?Two of my direct ancestors' remains were relocated after their deaths. Here's how I've handled it s…
duplicate recordsHello, I just found this site, and I've been adding in the ancestors. My grandmothers birth record…
Preserving family journalI have friends that have over 6000 pages of handwritten/typewritten journals of their family herita…
Relationship Viewer Change?Hello, The Relationship viewer used to show relationships that included my wife's family. For examp…
Why can't I tag a source to a marriage event?What are the three main sources to a person's life? Birth, Marriage and Death. I don't understand w…
I can no longer edit profile on family seacrh.When I try to edit a profile on Family Search, the suggestion icon goes to the corner of my laptop …
Soo many hints / too broad / way outside my direct ascendants or even treeHello, I am trying to address all the hints suggestions for my tree. Each time I get close to 20 hi…
Not sure whether a family has correctly been linkedFor users with more expertise… Please follow the following steps. 1. go to https://www.familysearc…
What does the name suffix "x" (lower case) mean?I have hundreds of ancestors with names like "Sir John Bird x". Being lower case, it cann…
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