Family Tree
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Discussion List
verkeerde oudersHallo Ik heb een grote fout gemaakt, de ouders en de rest van een komplete familietak zijn verkeer…
how do i correct a wrong relationshiphow do i correct a wrong relationship
How do I get rid of these people I know are wrong?This discussion was created from comments split from: how do i correct a wrong relationship.
Moved: Would you like to be part of a FamilySearch Miracle??This discussion has been moved.
Why have people been added to my family who aren't my family.I've got a person added to my tree that I can't delete as it won't let me, this person is not a mem…
How to remove a child from the wrong parents.I mistakenly added a child to the wrong family. how do I remove her so I can put her in the correct…
Erasing an entryIn building my family tree and viewing I have an entry made by a volunteer that is wrong. I would l…
John and Elizabeth Ann Davidson (nee Pickup) LondonI have John and Elizabeth Ann Davidson living in London 1810, as my gg grandfather was born and b…
Family missing in 1851/1861 UK censusesI have an ancestral family who lived in England but doesn't appear in the 1851/1861 UK censuses. Th…
Merge of living personSeveral years ago I entered an unrelated friend (David Keller, L13G-8G8). His ancestors were alread…
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