Family Tree
Ask about the worldwide, community family tree.
Discussion List
Deleating peopleRecently found out I have the wrong person as my great grandfather. Leroy Edison Ford is not my gre…
Informative messages FS gives, but really aren't informativeI've been away for awhile, but now I am back to get reacquainted so that my wife and last child at …
Tree has goneHad a tree, but its all gone except home which is me. Got up to mid 1600 so I am…
how do I change informationhow do I change informationif I know the information is incorrect how do I go in there and change t…
Is it possible to share information for living family members with among extended family members?I've heard that FamilySearch would add the ability to share information for living family members w…
How do I connect my living children to me so that they can see their family line?My kids are not showing up on my family tree. They want to be able to look at their ancestors but t…
How can I delete records that were attached to my family member in error?Several records have been attached to my Grandmother, Laura Beatrice Kirby that are for Laura Bridg…
How can I find data of close relative who is not a direct ancestor?For example, a first or second cousin or their spouses or children? I am trying to develop the sto…
Who added Doris Jean Ruff onto my tree? f.The person who added Doris Jean Ruff to my time-line is wrong. My sister is still living in Roanok…
Sharing relationship with another memberI have a relative in my family tree that several other members have contributed to. When reaching o…
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