System problems
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“Restore” BUG June 15? Restore left unfixable merge content in others yesterday in another thread, I was unable to fix by delete edits content BUT my “locked…
Record RestrictionsI've been seeing the "We're unable to show this record to you" message more and more in r…
2Issues with hiding "Memories" on main screenIt would be super helpful if, after signing in, and when hiding "Memories" on the main ww…
Please Hear the Cries from Those "In the Trenches" !PLEASE, Please consider keeping both the "old format" and "new format" pages! I…Answered Closed StoryCatcher 321 views 13 comments 1 point Most recent by Gordon Collett Family Tree
software or system ERRORI am reporting an error is the system. In helping a 14 year old girl in Puebla, Puebla, Mexico get …Answered Closed EllsworthBryanW 311 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by EllsworthBryanW FamilySearch Account
State misspelledI tried to make a simple spelling correction on the family tree but was unable to save the correcti…
are you updating your system?I have not been able to add a record to a profile all week. The screen that normally attaches does…
Why did you have to change what was working to something that doesn't work?The change that was just made in searching records is horrible!!!!!! It is not workable!!! I have…