Record Hints
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Viewing a record hint has changed and does not always workIn the past few weeks when I am attaching sources and click Record (use to be a quick way to see wh…
Record HintsHi. I get record hints telling me to review and attach things which are already attached. What ca…Answered Closed jonathangray1 461 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Brett . General Questions
Single page where I can see all the people in my tree who have hintsIt would be very helpful to have a page where I can see all the people in my tree who have hints. I…Answered Closed davidjaygross1 221 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Gordon Collett Family Tree
Tree training module 7 - Source linkerI keep seeing all of these record hints to my ancestor and need to add them to my tree using the so…
Record hints phasing out?In the past, there has been a great way to find relatives who have record hints when using the webs…Answered ✓ Closed michaeldeanballard1 541 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by LaReinJM Family Tree
What if a source does not have enough information to know if it should be attached?Hi, there is a hint on a timeline, about a fellow possibly being on the Canada Census 1891. The hi…Answered ✓ Closed WilliamStewart44 561 views 14 comments 0 points Most recent by WilliamStewart44 Family Tree
"Not a match" option not available for one specific hintI have reviewed other answers to this, such as the following, but unless I am missing something it …Answered ✓ Closed WilliamStewart44 881 views 25 comments 0 points Most recent by dontiknowyou Search