Record Hints
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Record Hints - why do the same people come up in Record Hints when there are no hints available?The same three people keep coming up on my record hints list but when I click on their name, there …
Hints not LoadingMy hints aren't loading. If I am on the website, they will not load. If I am in the app, when I go…
Unable to access Record HintThere is a Record Hint for William Hatcher McGuire, GSWZ-W23, that gives the following error when I…Answered sgsreader 200 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by W D Samuelsen contact me please Search
Record hint Icon on tree versus in Person viewOn the FSFT I see a red hint icon, but when I go to the Person view it is purple-no sources attache…
Record hint not appearingOn my hints tab there are a whole bunch of people that have hints but when I click show hint there …
1“Ignore All” record hintsSituation: Sometimes when presented with record hints on the FS home page, the list of hints for a …
4Sort 'Hints' by surnameI have been working one trying to clear up a large number of hints I have not been able to get to f…Active Lynda Cook_2 98 views 3 comments 4 points Most recent by Tiffany Farnsworth Nash Suggest an Idea
2Record hintsI receive some record hints that I don't know if I should accept or reject. Could a third option be…Active Closed Douglas Johnson_1 218 views 4 comments 2 points Most recent by deniselynneplaskett1 Suggest an Idea
2Enhancement request for Hints listI added this comment to another thread, but wanted to include it here, as well: "My experience…Active Closed Georgia Cotrell 32 views 0 comments 2 points Started by Georgia Cotrell Suggest an Idea