Soo many hints / too broad / way outside my direct ascendants or even tree
Hello, I am trying to address all the hints suggestions for my tree. Each time I get close to 20 hints left, the systems sends me another 100… I just did it twice in a few days and now it offers me 821 !!! Way to broad… I can't tell those that are of interest to me and some I cannot even find a relationship to.
How does that work ? Can I do anything to filter hints by relevance ? Or certainly limit to those where a relationship with me exists ? Not to mention that mosts now relate to people with no date or dates 18th century and before — very difficult to curate.
Thank you, Nathalie
Best Answers
Are you working off the Record Hints on the FamilySearch front page? I never use those - I just work on the profiles for a family or line at a time. I seriously can't be dashing back and forth at the beck and call of the hint engine. I work on what I want, when I want and look at the hints on those profiles. Anything else is madness for me…
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The homepage list is not meant to be completed. Quite the opposite, in fact, as you've experienced: if you get the list below the threshhold, the algorithm repeats the search with wider parameters so that it can repopulate the list.
Like Adrian, I ignore that list religiously. I concentrate on the blue wedges in my fan chart, or if that's been stagnant too long, I do a descendancy chart.